
About Donna

Welcome to Journey with Donna Retreats

Growing up as a dancer, Donna fell in love with the flow and grace of Vinyasa and Ashtanga when she first discovered yoga. The constant challenge of physical, mental and spiritual balance has kept her coming back ever since. She loves that there is a yoga practice out there for anyone who is willing to try. She started teaching yoga so she could help students discover the beauty of the breath, the ease of movement and the acceptance of self and others that yoga offers. Always emphasizing the practice of honoring the body’s current state of being through ahimsa (non-violence), students are guided by Donna to explore all the possibilities yoga has to improve the health and well-being of mind, body and spirit. Her classes are fun, energetic and aimed at helping you find balance in your practice on and off the mat.

When you come to a class with Donna, you will be met right where you are, and move through a mindfully-flowing yoga sequence that is creative, fun, and challenging without being overwhelming. You'll learn anatomy and alignment cues to make all your yoga poses more effective and amazing, no matter what style you usually practice. Her classes often involve energetic sequences but also incorporate stillness in order to quiet the mind. Her welcoming teaching style, energy, love, & passion for yoga will keep you coming back for more! Get ready to feel empowered, fit, and energized to move your lessons off the mat and transform your body, mind and li.
